Donate/Get involved

There are many ways to get involved in our ministry. We are ALWAYS looking for more partners, and everyone can do something to reach college students.

1. Come on campus!
If you live in San Diego, and are interested in coming on campus, checking out a Large Group meeting, or praying for students in person, please... email us! Or if you'd like to host a small group over for dinner, facilitate a workday at your house to help students raise money for missions, or mentor a student, we need all of those things too!

Email us to get involved!

2. GIVE to this ministry.
We raise support like most other missionaries. This enables us to reach the campus full-time, and be present on campus in ways we could not do if we had to work other jobs as well.

Currently, we have some big goals for June. The end of our fiscal year is June 30th, and we still need to raise $14,000.

Would you consider making a year-end gift to help us meet these goals?  Click here to give.

3. PRAY for staff and students.
We constantly need people to pray for us. If you feel like you are gifted in intercession, would you join our intercessory prayer team? This would look like receiving specific emails with more detailed prayer requests for staff and students.

Sign up below!

join our intercessory prayer team!
* indicates required