Monday, March 28, 2011

Credited to Your Account

Sarah and I wish we could share more stories of God's work on campus, but we've been spending much of our time this past windter and spring working on our fundraising. The sustained recession affecting all of us has made it more challenging to meet the fundraising goals we have for our ministry with InterVarsity.

We have been studying Philippians 4 lately, where Paul is writing to the believers in Phillipi, who are also givers to his ministry. We feel a lot like Paul when he says: "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances...Not that i desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account."

Paul, like us, was in "need". He was in jail, and needed the daily support of others to be sustained. But he learned how to trust God, and be content with whatever the circumstances were. We haven't quite reached Paul's contentment in life...but we have been learning how to trust God with the needs of our family and our ministry.

We also, like Paul, strongly believe that one day, you will be credited for the amazing things that are happening on the college campuses we work on. God will look at you and say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" because of the gifts you have given to the ministry. Like Paul, we are praying these words over each of you as you invest with us. "They [your gifts] are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus." May this be true for you today!


Monday, March 7, 2011

From Vandalism into God's Arms

A Fraternity Student's Changed life!

Hosting big outreaches on campus are a lot of work. At UCSD, the "No Secrets" outreach was off to a rocky start. Many of the staff, including myself (BJ), were off-campus fundraising, we had gotten a late start planning such a major outreach, and the majority of the work rested on students and their initiative. We were worried about the outcome of the outreach.

God was not worried, however. He had great plans for reaching out to students all over UCSD's campus and inviting them into a life of freedom. Here is one of our favorite stories from the week.

On Wednesday night, a crew of InterVarsity students camped out at the No Secrets Tent at UCSD. They broke into spontaneous worship and prayer around 3am as two intoxicated fraternity guys approached the tent. They came into the tent, and one of the guys immediately sat down and started crying, as the group continued to worship, this guy started to pray and ask for God's forgiveness for the deep sin and darkness he found himself in. He asked that God bring him home again.

Our student leaders began to pray with him and process what was happening for him, and he began to share about how he had been a Christian in high school, but had joined a fraternity and turned away from God into a life of partying. Later, he explained that he and his friend were originally planning on coming to the tent to vandalize it and mock the worshipers, but w hen he came into the tent (in his own words) he was "hit by a warmth that was unexplainable, and all of a sudden, his own sin and brokenness became clear." He later asked to stay with the worshipers because "it felt so safe". Praise God for this Saul- like moment, where God interrupted satan's plans for evil and redeemed it for good.

Overall, the outreach was a huge success, with thousands of students sharing their secrets and being introduced to a God who knows their deepest secrets, and offers then a life of freedom.

Click here to visit our UCSD No Secrets Website

Watch a video of all the secrets UCSD students carry

Friday, March 4, 2011

Missions Night a Success!

Thank you for your prayers! The missions night at Newbreak was a great success. We had over 40 people show up to hear about what God is doing on colleges around San Diego. We also ate a lot of pizza... a popular college activity!

We are praying that this night will be the start of a new season of support in San Diego for the amazing work God is doing on campus, right here in our city.

Spiritual revival is coming to San Diego... we believe that very strongly. But it will take many people getting fired up enough to pray, fast, give, and get invovled to see God rescue and release the 250,000 college students in our city. Join us in this adventure!